Monday, July 4, 2016

No Mixture

 As I was studying the book of Galatians God dropped in my spirit this simple reminder No Mixture!  

In Gal. 1:6-8 Paul tells them that he is surprise at how soon they have been removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ and that there are those who would pervert the Gospel of Christ. What we see happening here is that some of the Jews felt that the Gentiles who had accepted the Gospel of Christ needed to now be circumcise.  They were trying to mix the Gospel of Christ with the law. This as Paul puts it was a pervert gospel.

Sadly, to say there is still a mixture in the church today. So often the mixture shows up in the form of religious traditions or denomination association. Some of us are more concern with our denominations and traditions then we are with seeing people truly change by the Gospel.  Our commitment is more to our denomination than to God. Our allegiance is more to a man/woman, or church than it is to the God that called the man/woman.

It is not rules or bylaws that have the power to set the captives free.  It is the simple truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that brings true liberty, deliverance and freedom. This is what the world needs.

 Most of us do not need someone to point out our short comings and failures what need is to be pointed to Christ. Exposed to the light of His word and the truth of who He is and the price He paid for us.

Today I challenge you simply to live a life of no mixture. Stop trying to live under the religious tradition of men and walk in the liberty Christ paid for. Let’s not preach/teach denominational doctrine but Christ and what He alone has done for us.


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