Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Ordinary to Extraordinary

As I sat having lunch I began to watch the many different people coming in and out of the restaurant. My eyes fell upon this one couple at a table near where I was sitting. The waitress was just bringing them their meal and as soon as it was on the table the couple held hands and began to pray. Wow, I had been here for about 15 minutes and this was the first time I had notice anyone praying.  What was God trying to teach me through this seemingly simply act?

Simple acts of faith can become extraordinary when God is in the mist. It is not about the crowds, or how many titles you have behind your name, but rather is God in the mist. Your ordinary, everyday activities can serve as a mighty witnessing tool to the faithfulness and glory of God.

This couple may have prayed together in public 99 times but today someone was watching and was moved by it. I was so moved that as I got ready to leave I went by their table to say thank-you.

Today I challenge you to allow God to be in the mist of your everyday life, so that others may see him and feel his presence.

 Prayer: Father I asked that you take my ordinary everyday activities and bless them. May someone see you and experience your presence. Take my ordinary and let it become extraordinary in your hands. In Jesus name amen.

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