Friday, February 3, 2017

Stay Focus

Stay Focus

Stay focus God is a God of purpose.

Matt. 4:1

Then Jesus was led by the [Holy] Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil

Distractions are subtle, sly, and the enemy of purpose. When we are distracted our full attention is not where it needs to be and Satan given the opportunity will take advantage of that.

Jesus did not resist the leading of the Spirit but understood the wilderness was just as much a part of his purpose as the cross.

The wilderness often is a time of wondering and uncertainty. In the wilderness, you must learn to trust God and his purposes.  

Why I am here? What was I created for? Is this all life has for me? If we are honest we all have had questions like these or similar ones at some point in our lives.

God is a God of purpose, when we can become distracted by the wilderness process it can be easy to forget that. During the Wilderness, the devil will try to distract us with fear, anxiety or anger.  We can be so consumed with where we are that we forget that we are on a journey and that the wilderness experience is just a part of the process.

God is a God of purpose and we were born for such a time as this.  We cannot afford to be distracted from our purpose.  Jesus purpose was to redeem mankind but for he could fulfil that purpose He had to go through the wilderness.  

Don’t allow the enemy to trick and distract you from your purpose.  You are here on a kingdom assignment.  Stay focus on your purpose. Pray and seek the will of God for your life.  God can complete the good work He has begun in you.

Love and Blessings

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