Godly Vision
Bible lets us know where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained, but
happy is he who keeps the law. {Proverbs 29:18 } If we
are to embrace the journey God has for us we must not only be vision carriers
but visionaries.
A vision carrier is one who assist in helping another carry
out his/her vision. Vision carriers invest their time, talent and treasure into
helping see the manifestation and fulfillment of someone’s vision.
A visionary is a person with unusual foresight and imagination / one who ideas or projects seem impractical: DREAMER/ one who sees visions SEER.
God wants us to be visionaries
and vision carries. He wants us to participate in His vision being fulfilled in
our homes, churches and community.
When you have a vision from God
that vision will put you to work. You must hold to that vision when challenges
come. You must go through the phases or
process to see the fulfillment of the vision. Though it tarries wait for it. {Habakkuk 2:1-3 }
Today I pray God will reveal to you His vision for
your life and that you will write it down and run with it.